Join the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2023 27-29 January

Published by D on

Take part in the biggest citizens science survey project in the world and help British garden birds. There is still time to sign up, you can request yor Big Garden Birdwatch resources as either printed and posted or digital and sent directly to your inbox. If you can take part online and get digital resources it will save RSPB money, if not, they will be happy to post them to you. Either way you will receive instructions and a colourful, garden bird identification guide in Engish or you can choose a bilingal Welsh guide.

Taking part in the Big Garden Birdwatch 2023

You don’t need a garden to take part in the Big Garden Birdwatch, if you have a local park or other outdoor space you can still take part. RSPB will send you the 3 simple instructions they need you to follow to take part in the count. You only need to spare an hour and you can take part alone, in a group or with the kids. The more people who do this the better it is to see how our native birds are doing and this will help to formulate better ways to help birds in the long term.

Worried that you can’t afford bird food to take part?

Bird come into your garden or other spaces for two main reasons, water and food. During winter and especially with the cold weather we are currently experiencing fresh, clean and not frozen water is very important, if you cannot afford bird food you can still provide water. Use a container you won’t use again such as a saucer or a clean, shallow food container and change the water every day to keep it fresh.

Find out more on how to Install a Bird Bath.

Goldfinch facing the camera showing its red and white face using a Nijer Seed feeder Big Garden Birdwatch 2023

Get Started today and request your Big Garden Birdwatch 2023 from RSPB and help British garden birds

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