Grazers G3 – Cabbage Butterflies, Caterpillars & Aphids Natural Deterrent 750ml
Protect your plants differently with Grazers sprays.
Many pesticides are indiscriminate, they kill off beneficial insects as well as the ones scoffing your plants, and in some cases insects can become less sensitive to pesticides through incorrect use and mixing. It’s not an ideal senario, especially if you are concerned about pesticide usage and it’s affects on wildlife, animals and humans.
Safe for edible and ornamental plants Grazers G3 works with the plants natural defence systems to help the plant fend off an attack from the insects that want to eat it. Healthy plants have strong defence systems that help them survive attacks and repel attackers, weaker and younger plants can be easily overcome by it’s insect attackers so it makes sense to give them a boost to help them grow their defence systems.
The insects generally leave healthy plants alone so in effect they are moved onto other plants rather than being killed so they can complete their lifecycle. That in turn helps other wildlife species which rely on them as a source of food. Grazers G3 is also safe to use for us and for other plants so a spray of the Cabbages and their relatives, is safe for families and pets. It is a win win situation.
Formulated with calcium and plant extracts to boost the plants immune systems Grazers G3 gives a health boost when applied to photosynthesising leaves, stems, and flowers where it can interact with the plants metabolic processes.
Ideal spray the surface of the leaves, stems, and flowers (if the plant bears those)
just prior to the egg laying season for the Brassica loving butterfly species which are generally active between May and October in the UK.