John Chambers Wildflower Seeds Bumblebee Wildflower Mix
Feed the bumblebees in your garden by sowing seeds of plants that produce plenty of nectar and pollen during their main flying months.
Contains more than 20 British Native Wildflower species including:
- Betony
- Birds Foot Trefoil
- Red Clover
- Knapweeds
- Dark Mullien
- Selfheal
- Kidney Vetch
- Vipers Bugloss
Coverage – 1-2sq. metre depending on how densley the mix is sown
Sowing Times – Spring or Autumn, sow directly where they are to flower for best results as some species prefer not to be moved.
Flowering times – Spring to Late Summer
Plants from later spring sowings will flower later than described
Wildlife value – Valuable sources of nectar for pollinators. This mix includes some catapillar food plants for moths and butterflies.
Strong brown paper packet that can be recycled or composted. All sowing instructions and aftercare are on the reverse of the packets.